About Us

My name is M. Adib Lazwar Irhami, a dedicated traditional Javanese shadow puppet artist specializing in tatah sungging style. I come from Pucung village. Born to Dipini Rianto and Sulatin, skilled artisans in the craft field, my family's roots in this art form date back to 1970 AD. At that time, the allure of their creations attracted tourists from afar, some even walking from Adisutjipto Airport to Pucung Village due to limited transportation options. This underscores the profound allure and importance of their art.

Jogjans Puppet

However, as time passes, the younger generation in Pucung has started to distance themselves from this cultural heritage. Many choose to migrate to urban areas, considering tatah sungging as a relic of the past. Consequently, the elder artisans lose successors to continue their tradition, posing a threat to the preservation of this valuable tradition. Realizing this decline, I recognize the need to protect their cultural heritage.

make puppet leather
Driven by a profoundsense of responsibility, I am determined to take action. I realize that the declining interest in tatah sungging is due to a lack of appreciation in Indonesia. With determination and foresight, I undertake the mission to promote and market this art form, thus strengthening and ensuring the sustainability of Pucung's cultural identity.

jogjanspuppet | wayang puppet
My efforts aim not only to revive interest in tatah sungging but also to instill pride and appreciation for this ancient art form. By bridging the gap between tradition and modernity, I envision a future where Pucung flourishes as a bastion of cultural heritage, ensuring that the tradition of tatah sungging shadow puppetry remains sustainable for future generations.

Shadow Puppet Wayang Indonesian | Puppet Leather

We are talented and dedicated craftsmen of wayang kulit, hailing from Desa Pucung, Yogyakarta, a place recognized by UNESCO as a center for wayang kulit craftsmanship. In every step we take, we exude pride in the rich and profound cultural heritage of Indonesia.

The creation of wayang kulit is not just a process; it is a ritual that demands high skill, meticulousness, and deep love for traditional art. This process begins with the selection of high-quality raw materials, such as thin and durable buffalo skin. This skin is then processed using specialized techniques to prepare it for use in wayang performances.

Once the skin is ready, the next step is the carving process. This is where the characters of wayang come to life. Using traditional tools such as sharp carving knives, we carve every detail of the faces, clothing, and attributes with extraordinary precision. Our ability to transform a piece of skin into legendary characters with unique life and character is a hallmark of our skill.

Next comes the painting process. Using traditional paints made from natural materials, we breathe color and life into each wayang character. Each color carries its own meaning and depicts the personality and traits of the character. We apply the colors with careful attention and finesse, creating captivating visual harmonies in every piece.

The final step is the assembly process. Once all the parts have been carved and painted, the wayang kulit is meticulously assembled to create a seamless unity. We tie each part with strong strings, ensuring that the wayang is ready to be presented flawlessly.

As sellers of wayang kulit products from the famous Desa Pucung, we not only sell merchandise but also represent a valuable cultural heritage. Each piece we produce is not just a work of art but also a proud cultural legacy. With every wayang kulit we sell, we bring the stories and wonders of our ancestors' tradition to the world, keeping the flame of wayang art burning in the hearts of present and future generations.